Wisdom's αGo strategy is an actively managed, market-seeking investment program that optimizes a variety of volatility arbitrage style trading strategies. In an actively traded capital market, the strategy will look for the relative level of implied volatility between a portfolio of multiple securities and the index, from which to find the optimal investment opportunities. Of course, when large amounts of investment are made, dynamic hedging and complete option hedging model will be protected, and finally non-systematic financial risks will be reduced to the lowest level while pursuing absolute α returns. This is also the topic that our quantitative analysis team has been studying in recent years. The model is currently already at the leading level in institutions. In addition, we also focus on global macro strategies, M&A arbitrage strategies in emerging markets. Of course, we are most proud of our event-driven investment strategy. Different from hedge funds, we can be more flexible and efficient to find any potential event-driven trading opportunities in the market. Of course, the scope of this research and trading is not limited to the local market. We are also paying special attention to potential projects with strong returns in South America and Asia. Mr Brown has worked and lived in the Asia Pacific region for nearly 10 years, which has given him a deeper understanding of Asian markets, cultures and opportunities. Historically, opportunities in emerging markets tend to outnumber those in mature capital markets, which is why we have a separate global macro strategy department, with a team of partners dedicated to exploring global opportunities, and through global diversification, we can greatly reduce the withdrawal rate when systemic risks strike. We also strongly agree with Buffett's concept of diversification, and will improve it, and ultimately apply it in the market to create excess returns for our clients.